Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Little Sprouts Sale

So I've been meaning to write this post for the past few days. Im a huge fan of consignment sales , but sometimes they just aren't worth the crazy shopping. One sale that NEVER lets me down is Little Sprouts Consignment sale. I posted below the amazing deals I found this past sale!! It's defiantly a MUST go to for all mommas out there!! These are just a few of the awesome deals form this past sale. ( sorry about the lighting )

Pink Pee Coat from Gap $15

Janie and Jack dress $7

Red smocked dress $15

Monday, April 19, 2010

Harmful Baby Products!!

This post is all about organic baby products, the good and the bad! Organic skin care products are more loosely regulated than food or cotton products, so it's important to read the labels with discernment. And since experts say up to 60% of what goes on your baby's skin is absorbed into their bloodstream within minutes, its important to know what your using. Ive been doing ALOT of research and this is what I have found.

First of all , if you cant pronounce or understand the ingredients, keep looking!

-Mineral oil/Petrolatum/paraffin are byproducts of crude oil, and they are cheap to use.

Baby oil is 100% mineral oil. It holds in moisture, but prevents your body from releasing unwanted toxins. Mineral oil can also block the body's absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients.

-Parabens (methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl).

These preservatives and antibacterials are used in shampoos, creams and baby lotions to extend product shelf life. They are petroleum-based and can cause allergic reactions.

Parabens are thought to alter estrogen levels and the Environmental Protection Agency issued a report expressing concern about parabens showing up in our sewage systems (from humans) and posing a risk to aquatic life.

-Talc powder.

The Cancer Coalition states that talc is a toxic carcinogen that can cause ovarian and lung cancer with repeated exposure. It is also used in soaps, deodorants and in food processing.


These have been in the news lately. They are found in fragrances in shampoos, lotions and powders, but their true intention is to make plastic soft. They can leach out of plastics so why would anyone want them on their skin?

According to TIME.com, studies have been done on phthalates in urine from babies' diapers. They are toxic, carcinogenic and have been linked to infertility!

-Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Ammonium Lauryl Suflfate are foaming agents found in many shampoos and hair conditioners.

They can be disguised in labels as "comes from coconut" You can find these in other garage floor cleaners and engine de-greasers. They have been linked to eye injury as well as cell membrane and immune system damage.

-Isopropyl alcohol SD 40.

It is not only drying, but it strips the skin of natural acids, making the skin more vulnerable to bacteria, molds and viruses. SD 40 comes from propylene and may promote brown spots and premature aging of skin.

-Glycol is used as a humectant.

It comes in several forms and is carcinogenic and mutagenic

-FD&C Color Pigments are synthetic colors made from coal tar.

They contain heavy metal salts that deposit toxins in the skin. Animal studies have shown them to be carcinogenic (causes cancer).

*Here are some more ingredients to avoid.

Aerosol propellants
Aluminum by-products
Diethanolamine (DEA, TEA)
DMDM hydantoin or MDM (a form of formaldehyde)
Nitrates, nitrosamins and sulfur compounds
Quaternium 15 (also a form of formaldehyde)
1, 4-Dioxane (a known carcinogen)

These are some SCARY facts!!! But below I have listed safe baby products I have found. ALL you can find at Target : )

- California Baby products

-Baby Bees ( Burts Bees baby products )
These seem to be more affordable then California Baby

- Earth Mama Products

These are all great products that do not contain any toxic ingredients!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time to start a blog!

So I decided to start a blog since I'm a stay at home momma … and well I have allot of spare time. You guys will have to excuse my grammar, it was not my strong point in school. lol

So Ive decided to go completely organic,,, well as much as possible. Ive switched from plastic bottles to glass bottles, I bought all organic food at the grocery store and I'm starting to research on alternatives for medicine, bath products etc…. The only thing I'm a little nervous to try is cloth diapers : / . Abilil ( she got that nickname from my aunt, i love it! ) is such an explosive pooperI'm a little nervous. But I'm lucky to have awesome influences on the whole cloth diapering! My sister and Kristen are definitely pros! But as soon as she can fit were going to try out the diapers Kristen gave us.

So I'm sure most of you know the whole deal with Abili and her Metabolic Disorder. Well if you don’t know, Abilil has been halfway diagnosed with Very Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder whew! Also known as VLCHAD. It means she cannon breakdown her long chain fatty acids into energy. So if she gets sick or goes a long period without eating her body gets in trouble. This we found out when she was only 5 days old, it was very scary!! As mom says : We spent the first weekend getting her here , and the next keeping her here! But she’s doing just fine now, happy and chubby! Her DNA sequencing showed one gene carrying VLCHAD. So this month she has to have a skin biopsy taken to see rather she’s just a carrier or has the disorder. As Jacob reminded me the other day , God will not bring you to anything he cannot walk you through. And of course I could not ask for a better Fiance to travel this journey with me , he has been the best! Love you Sky!

Well to wrap it up. I'm going to use this blog to not only update on Abilil’s status and what goes on day to day, but also on neat organic ideas and products I come across. Hope you guys stick around!